The duration of your experience will depend on you. We recommend anywhere between 3 and 10 days.
We begin our first day with a session establishing where you are at, what your history is, where you want to go & what you want to achieve. This initial session informs us on how to create a tailor-made transformational experience to suit your needs. Within our integrated & organic approach, we offer you a diverse & holistic experience.
Each morning will begin with a personal check-in, followed by one
or several of the following shamanic teachings, journeys & ceremonies:
The Medicine Wheel of Life
Exploring your relationship with the Worlds of
Grandmother Earth
Body-Mind Integration Exercises
Personal Reflection Ceremonies
Purification Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
Re-connecting your inner Elemental Alignment
with Circular Energy Movement
Insights & Wisdom from the Flowering Tree
Awakening to you Natural Life Cycle
Aligning to Universal Law
into the Silence
Warriors Techniques of Discipline
· Many more Tools for Application

We guide you through what we call “Peeling the Onion”, a
process of removing each dissonant, dissatisfied, dysfunctional layer until you
arrive at the heart of the matter, the original source of imbalance. Through
the process you will encounter all the ways you carry unproductive behaviours
through the negative core beliefs & destructive inner
dialogue. Digging ever deeper, we help you to clear out the negativity &
establish positive core beliefs, so you can feed yourself with the things you
really hunger for.
We equip you with the tools to:
· Identify & release the burdens of emotional pain.
· Stop living like a victim & take charge of your life.
· Use your Will Power to create productive patterns.
· Understand more about proper use of energy & how to be in health, happiness, humour, hope & harmony.
· Discover who you really are in your naturalness.
It is important to understand that no one has the power to heal you except for yourself. The benefits you gain from this shamanic experience rely entirely on your level of commitment to heal. We know from experience that the work we do changes people’s lives in a deep & meaningful way.